The Letter-join handwriting scheme is used to support children’s handwriting development. In EYFS and KS1, children use the print version to develop their handwriting skills and once they have mastered this, they progress to joining. By the end of KS2, children should be confidently joining using the cursive font.
Children practise their handwriting 4 x per week both in KS1 and KS2. The regularity of the sessions is important to ensure that children master the various formations and joins. By improving handwriting, we recognise that we lessen the cognitive load during writing lessons and children are free to focus more on writing composition. Achieving automaticity of handwriting is essential to allow children to develop their knowledge and skills of other aspects of the writing curriculum and therefore a clear focus is placed on developing children's handwriting throughout all phases.
Although we aim to achieve good handwriting during these sessions, we actively encourage children to apply what they have learned consistently in their other curriculum lessons.
Have a look at the Letter Join website by clicking the logo below